Monday, January 21, 2013

Updates! Updates!

January 21st? The 21st? I find it so hard to believe how quickly time is flying by! On one hand I'm loving that because I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel for me in regards to receiving my degree in Business Administration!! Whoooo! If I continue on the road I'm going I should graduate next December, December 2014! I've worked so hard and now to actually see an end date/month even if it is almost 2 years away I'm so freaking excited! But on the other hand my girls are changing so much! Their personalities just evolve on a daily basis.
It makes my heart just melt when I sneak up on them and they are playing so sweetly together. It's a pretty rare moment so I just melt when I do. They already argue! In a way it's kinda cute/funny but I know I'll eat those words in just a few more years or less.
I'm super busy and if I'm not cleaning up the house 2,422,672 times a day then my day wouldn't be normal!
I'm pretty sure Olivia thinks she's like super glued to my hip because she constantly has to be held or wants to hold hands or I have to be in her sight or she comes toddling in search of me. I won't lie it's cute, sweet, and completely lovey dovey but honestly, have you ever tried making up your bed with an extra 20 pounds on one side of your body and using only one hand?? It's hard as CRAP! But aside from cleaning up constantly, working on homework, cooking dinner, and playing with the girls I do find a little extra quiet time for myself... sometimes. That's why sometimes it's actually nice having class to attend and working 2 days because it gives me a little adult conversation.
We've got plans to get Hannah enrolled into Preschool this fall and I think we've found one. But I'll do my checking around and see!
Speaking of Hannah she's fixing to be 3! THREE! See what I mean about time flying?!? Crazy! I remember when she was just a tiny baby and I used to wonder what she'd look like (act like, talk like, etc.) when she was 2-3 years old and now I'm experiencing it before I could even imagine it! We're preparing for her birthday party in just 2 WEEKS! We're having a Cinderella Ice Cream Sundae party for her and her little friends.  She adores Cinderella, and now that she has actually formed her own opinion (and expresses it on a regular basis) I asked her what she wanted and what kind of party she wanted, she straight up told me Cinderella like how did I not know this? So away I'm planning!
I hope to get back on here and update more often but I make no promises! God Bless you all in this beautiful new year!
Hannah - 2 days old

Hannah 1 year old

Hannah 2 years old!

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