Monday, July 22, 2013

And Here Comes #3!

Wow! I honestly didn't think I'd be saying it so soon, baby #3 is on the way! I can promise you this was totally unexpected and completely unplanned. Of course I am currently trying to finish up school and of course my due date would fall right slap in the middle of my semester! I am a firm believer that every thing happens for a reason and that God will never put you through things that he won't get you through. But having a third baby around will be a little more difficult, I didn't say impossible.

It has always been a dream of mine to have 3 children (at least)! I absolutely love having a little cuddly baby around. I love seeing the wonder in their eyes when they discover something new. I also love hearing them say daddy, mommy, sissy, pretty much anything because each sweet word is a blessing.

With all that being said I love sleeping, and sleeping in, and sleeping all night, basically I love sleep. And the thought of having to wake up to a crying baby, hoping that baby doesn't wake up my other children frightens me. Other than that I'm so overwhelmed with happiness that we get to bring home another of God's greatest gifts!

Our due date is February 22nd! Another February baby, if we were planning this we would have shot for somewhere around May. Spread out the birthday parties a bit but I'm sure we'll manage.

I am fixing to get so busy the summer is ticking by and we still have a beach trip to go on before my fall semester starts! What a great way to end summer classes and kick off fall classes! Plus I'll be moving right on into my 2nd trimester so the morning (all day) sickness will hopefully fade away in the next few weeks! (fingers crossed).

I'm such a planner and I rely heavily on routine. If things get changed up I have a minor panic attack then go with the flow, with some resistance. Christmas in my opinion is right around the corner and I'm still trying to figure out who we need to buy presents for. Not forgetting to mention Olivia's party which, yes, I am already planning it as well (Hannah's too). I've got my hands full for the next 5 months until after Christmas. With 3 classes, 2 parties to plan, Christmas shopping to do, oh and the birth of our next kiddo I'm a bit overwhelmed. But I'm so excited all at the same time... Is that weird?!? I'm an addict when it comes to parties and Christmas and Santa and all that fun stuff. I'm such a MOM! LOL I know it sounds crazy but those who don't have kids when you finally have them you'll totally understand how you transform from just a girl to a mom! I do all kinds of things I'd always sworn I'd never do, say, act. And it's okay because my kids love me for it (sometimes).

So here's to the next several busy months!!!

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