Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'd Consider it a Life Changing Event....

Over the past month Kyle and I have talked and talked and talked about; gas, school, my full time status at work, daycare and bills.... In my opinion none of those are fun topics to talk about and when you combine them all together into one conversation things start getting really tense....

So we discussed it until it taste's bad in our mouths and we've decided that with the money I make, the gas it takes and costs to fill up my van, the length of time it's taking me to finish school, and the cost of daycare it honestly doesn't pay for me to work OR work as much.  Starting May 7th I will officially be a part time employee and will be keeping the girls out of daycare. 

We told the Sister's yesterday and it almost brought tears to my eyes! Kyle's mom will be taking care of them on the 2 days that I work.  And because I have the best boss ever she is totally flexible with my schedule and understands that my ultimate goal is to finish school.  I'm thrilled to death to be able to spend more time with my babies but it is going to take some tons of self discipline to sit down and make a routine and a list of things that need to be done. With my dad retired, my mom who has a flexible schedule as well and my sister who is off during the week, it is going to take some getting use to when it comes to telling them no!

I am nervous and thrilled this is completely uncharted territory and either way if I were to work full time or part time it's going to be a struggle but at least maybe (hopefully/fingers crossed) this will actually save us some money.  It's time to start an entirely new budget that's for sure!

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