Monday, May 30, 2011

Doctor Update and The Bug from Hell

I am a little bit behind on this so I'll give ya a quick update! I went to the doctor for my 1st official OB appointment! YAY! But I was just ready to get it on and over with to be completely honest. I knew it would be the routine things like take my blood {and I mean lots of my blood... like 7 vials of my blood}.  The delightful pelvic exam (ughh...), the same routine questions that they have to ask pertaining to family history and such and how my last pregnancy was. And then FINALLY an ultrasound just to take a peek at my little BOG! This part put any fears and worries aside. I may have no need for fears but regardless they were there and at least once or twice sometimes more a day they would creep into my thoughts and stress me out again! It was so awesome to see how my BoG had changed since our last visit only 3 weeks ago. The baby now has fetus status and my BoG has arms and legs too! The poor thing still doesnt have a normal head shape yet but it looks more like a baby than an alien and that made me smile too. It was just a quick ultrasound to check to make sure things were going/looking normal and they were I could steal that ultrasound equipment and hold it on my stomach all day just watching my BoG grow and change into a sweet little angel! But probably after that months electric bill I'd totally be willing to turn it back in! lol So anyway I wanted to give my friends and family an update on our new little BoG!

One thing about being pregnant and also having a 16 month in daycare can be quite difficult in a way that (I should have thought but didnt) I never thought of! The lovely sickness that flows around in daycare. I could point my fingers and pin the blame on others but that's not totally fair. Because Hannah was fine until she ate or drank something and then it was projectile vomiting! GROSS! I dont do well with my own vomit let alone someone's vomit.  That kind of thing just doesnt mix with me personally. Anyway, I thought it bypassed me when I hadnt had any symptoms and Hannah was sick on Wednesday! So surely I thought I wouldnt get it..... And then Kyle gets sick... on Saturday... which left no room for me to stay free and clear of that mess. Sure enough Sunday morning about 3 a.m. I was in the bathroom with a very unhappy stomach (Oh dont let me forget to mention that we were CAMPING!!!) That is right we werent even at home in our own comfortable space and using our own facilities!!! Well, nothing happened just a lot of tossing and turning until the next morning when Lydia and I headed to the bath house to get ready for the day and all the sudden that gut wrenching pain like the heaving was on its way! I ran to one of the stalls and tangled my hands in my hair to prevent myself from touching the toilet lid.... ewwwwwwwww.... And I heaved and I heaved and I heaved until I was pouring sweat and no longer had the energy to even stand... I walked out of the bathroom and sat in the cool mountain air feeling somewhat relieved. 

No I really did feel slightly better, we headed back down to our campsites and I laid down for a bit and continued to feel worse and worse. So I sat up and decided that I didnt want to stay another second at the campground I wanted to be home in my own bed not on an air mattress.... I began to pack because it took my mind off the terrible stomach ache/cramps I had began to have. So I packed up everything in the tent and Kyle and Josh packed up the tent itself and we said our "goodbyes" and headed home. We arrived home around 1230 p.m. and I laid down and barely woke to check the time until the next morning around 8ish. I am still not 100% that bug has been evil for sure but I am slowly getting better but after hours of laying in bed sleeping I was ready to get out and move my stiff muscles. I was able to take a few pictures before the worst occurred so Ill be sure to post those later!

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