Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Braylon Craig Kiser!!!

Ive missed out on a few days of posting, but I've missed out on sleep as well (hah!). I will update you briefly about these busy past few days....

It was 8 am when Lydia and Josh were finally admitted into the Birth Place at Gaston Memorial on Friday July 22.  She was 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced.  So I get over there after lunch and hang out helping her through her contractions as well as walking the halls and giving them some extra company.  We walked and walked and walked until about 3:30 that afternoon and she was finally dilated to 5 cm.  The doctor decided it was time to speed up this process, so he broke her water.  Shockingly the contractions actually slowed down so much that she looked more relaxed at 6 pm when the doctor came back to check on her that he decided that it was time to really get the proverbial ball rolling and to start the pitocin. About 40 minutes after the pitocin was started she began to feel the major side effects of it... (MAJOR CONSISTENT CONTRACTIONS).  She wised  up and decided to not try to fight through it and get an epidural... Smart choice girl!

The epidural relaxed her so much after that, that she actually went from 5 cm to 8 1/2 cm in a hour and a half! WOW! Lydia had less than 2 cm to go and she could start pushing.  We thought surely it would be within the next hour or so... She was 8 cm dilate at 9:30 pm on Friday, 22.  Well needless to say it took a long time foreverrrr! I mean seriously the doctor came and checked her several times and she had finally fully dilated by 3:55 am on July 23...

That's when things got a little crazy... Lydia started pushing at 4 a.m. and the doctor realized about 20 minutes into pushing that Sweet baby Braylon was Sunny side up (if any of you aren't familiar with that terminology it means that his face was up towards the sky when it should be facing the floor) This is a much, much harder labor and its really difficult to push them out because your working with more of the baby's head, its just not "natural".  So the doctor tried suctioning him out about 5 or 6 different times.  He also tried to turn his head as well, as soon as he would get it turned sweet stubborn baby Braylon would turn it right back.  The doctor and Lydia tried for a good hour and ten minutes to get him out but it wasn't going to happen this time around... He was just turned to awkwardly and wasn't budging from his position...

About 5:10 in the morning Dr. F. finally decided that an emergency C-Section was what was needed at this point because her temperature was rising and Braylon had been in "there" for too long.  So they did an emergency C-section and he was born at 5:43 a.m on July 23 2011!! Because of Lydia's temp and he actually had a "low" high temperature they decided that admitting him into NICU to get him on antibiotics and some sort of nutritional fluid was the best route for Mom and baby.  Lydia's was so exhausted from being up for 3 days straight and everything else she went through, that she could no longer hold her eyes open to carry on a conversation for longer than a minute.  They all got some form of rest on Saturday and went to visit Braylon that afternoon.  

Braylon is doing great they actually just moved him to Josh and Lydia's room because he got on a great feeding schedule and they only need to check him about 6:30 tonight to make sure everything is going well. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that he will continue to do great and will be able to go home with them tomorrow morning! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAYLON! I love you so much already and I cant wait to get my hands on you soon!  

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