Friday, July 15, 2011

Kick Me Baby One More Time!!!!

Tonight I am sitting here at the computer desk, sipping on my low fat mocha ice coffee and I am still semi-fitting into my pre-pregnancy pants and since they are Hollister brand I have to wear a belt because they are the butt crack showing kind when you bend over.  I obviously do that a lot with a 17 month old because she wants up and down... up and down!

Anyway, I am sitting here sipping away and typing away with my almost too snug jeans and all the sudden I feel a few nudges... I sit still and pay attention and I felt a few more!! That was without a doubt my sweet little boy kicking me! Such an exciting feeling.  I remember feeling Hannah kick for the first time and it only felt like bubbles but this felt like nudges. I was so excited to reach this point in my pregnancy, I think its the best part of pregnancy! Kyle and I stopped by Kohl's to spend our 40 dollar Kohl's cash and bought Baby Blake an out fit... It may just be perfect for him to wear home! It is a brown onesie, with striped cap, brown and white socks and the onesie says little brother!!

This whole having a little boy is starting to really sink in! I really wasn't sure what to think! I haven't been sick in so long (almost 2 weeks whoop whoop!) That sometimes I honestly forget I am pregnant! Crazy I know! But now I am ready to start buying some cute things for his room and get that ball rolling! Oh my goodness I am REALLY HAVING A LITTLE BOY!!!!!!!! God has blessed me and Kyle beyond measure, and to just thank Him never seems like quite enough.... But I am reminded every day that He has a bigger plan for us and if we let Him take the wheel for once we might actually enjoy the ride! I hope each and every one of my blog family has a great weekend and a blessed one too!

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