Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I have wanted to do this since the first time I saw it on a friends blog.  So here I am FINALLY doing it!

Here we go... Welcome to my first official "What I'm Loving Wednesday" blog post....

The fact that it is Wednesday means that I only have one more day left of my work week!  And I am LOVING that!

Because so many friends and family members of mine have suggested me reading the book Heaven is for Real and so far its awesome!

I love me some Dr. Pepper these days.  It is about the only soft drink I will drink (since I've been prego)
but I will only allow myself one a day... :(

I am loving Rainbow Chip icing, I bought some for our gender party cupcakes and I get at least one dip in it a day... So not a habit I need to be making...

I am also loving carrots any kind boiled, steamed, raw any way I'm loving them!

I love my new phone the AT&T's newest Android, it totally rocks! It takes awesome video, pictures, and has tons of free apps!

Here lately I have had an itch to cook so I have been cooking every day this week (I know it is only Wednesday) but still it has been so much fun and a super nice change!

I am also in a decorating mood I addicted to the wall sconces that hold little candles and just really accent your walls plus the wall art either painted or just scenic.

I am loving the fact that I am out of my first trimester (WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!!) The sickness comes less and less!!!

Here lately I have been addicted to any ChapStick flavor or lip gloss ranging from clear to red!

My new nephew Braylon will be here in less than 2 weeks and I am about to burst with excitement!
He is going to be so handsome!

And finally on this Wednesday I am loving the baby bump that I am already rockin'... Yes I know 16.5 weeks pregnant and should I really be baby bumpin it yet??? Well my thoughts are who cares!!!! I'm loving it! :))

So what do you think? How did I do?

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