Thursday, May 10, 2012

30 Blogs in 30 Days: Day 2: Three Legitimate Fears

Fear #1
I fear anytime I'm out and about, like at a grocery store, Wal-Mart, the mall, anywhere with my girls and I turn my back on them for one nanosecond and they will be gone!  I would say that is a pretty huge fear that I have.  I have seen so many missing children's posters and it scares the crap out of me at the thought that some lunatic would actually walk up and take my baby.  I remember seeing Courageous and this guy (thug) jumped in this other guys truck (off duty cop) and takes off.  The guy (off duty cop) runs after and jumps on the side of the car.... anyway long story short he got his truck stopped and the guy (thug) ran off.  The whole time I'm thinking it's just a truck... and he opens the back door and his baby is in the back seat!!! I am terrified that if something like that would happen to me I won't be strong enough to save them!  I couldn't imagine the pain, fear, anxiety, sadness, and anger one would feel if that were to happen.  I mean one minute your child is sitting in the cart blabbing her head off and the next minute they are gone.....

Fear #2
This is a very personal fear of mine.  Rape.  If there is one thing a man can do to completely defile and debase a woman, that would be to take advantage of her.  I want to kick (several times... if not chop off) a man right in the privates for doing something like that.  If they abuse it they lose it.... Maybe I'm coming off a bit too cruel but the very word rape disgusts me, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  I have no problem fighting until my death to protect myself from a man with those intentions.  That fear ranks pretty high up on my scale.  I am such a paranoid person (I know!).  But I'd say that this is more than a legit fear and I'm trying my very best to be honest to show you who I am! :)

Fear #3
Stand up for what I believe in.  I'm not saying it's a bad/good thing whatsoever but I do have fears about standing up for what I believe in.  I do stand my ground on a lot some things but I also let people and their opinions run me over.  I have no wish to offend one single person, not one! But I don't really understand why it's so difficult for Christians to express their beliefs (strong or not) on any subject without someone twisting what they are saying to make it sound as if they are uneducated, ignorant, or close minded.  Ive heard things like the Bible Thumpers, the Bible is not the law of the land, and that our country was not founded on the Bible.  It hurts my heart to hear/see things like this.  It seems that Christianity is being pushed further and further away from today's society.  And I choose to not speak my thoughts (most of the time) because I don't want to offend anyone or maybe it's not worth the debate.  Is this what God would want me doing? Turning the other cheek? Or would he want me to make a stand and impose my beliefs on someone (in a gentle way of course)? So, mostly I stand down for fear of sounding uneducated or like an idiot... Its a fear that I'm not sure how to go about facing....

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