Sunday, May 6, 2012

Boo Boos are NO fun!

Okay so I am well aware that this boo boo is the first of many but I can't help but feel like the WORST-MOM-IN-THE-WORLD right now!! I can honestly say this has NEVER happened before not even with Hannah but it happened.... Tear!  I was playing with Olivia on my lap (on the bed) and I started reading from my Kindle, some where along the way she fell asleep and I accidentally dozed off too.  And within what felt like seconds I was loudly awakened by the sound of something hitting the floor and then a loud wail!

I jumped up as quickly as my body would move and picked her up...... OFF THE FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I know I'm definitely not even close to winning mom of the year but this incident made me feel worse than horrible! She bumped her head on surge protector circuit, it did leave a mark on her head and broke my heart! So I think that was enough punishment for this momma! I still hate myself for letting that happen.... Needless to say I definitely learned my lesson!!!!

Big sisters always take care little sisters!

1 comment:

  1. Don't beat yourself up.... Things like that happen. I have had my share so I know how you feel. You are a great Mommy! The great thing is baby's heal really fast... In a few days her boo boo will be gone!


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