Thursday, September 15, 2011


I was updating my calendar this morning and as I was going through the remaining months left in this year I added all the necessary dates needed (test, dates for assignments, dr. appts, weekend events and everything really) Well I got to December of course not only is that a big month because I am due on the 25th, but it is Christmas! It is also going to be a very stressful month I've realized too... I have 2 finals that month one is 2 weeks before my due date the other is 11 days before and that is the final I have to drive to GW to take, we have 3 Christmas family gatherings before the 24th, and I have to get Hannah ready for Christmas/Santa Claus, along with wrapping gifts and putting out Christmas decorations! Of course I plan to do only a handful of these things before December like putting out decorations and wrapping gifts but the rest obviously has to be taken care of in December. 

To say I am stressing doesn't quite explain the amount of stress I have on getting it all completed... and completed in the right way.  My religion final is on the 14th of December and I'm not sure I will be thinking about the Old Testament to much 11 days before I'm due so I'm trying to figure out how in the world I will feel up to studying for it.  I guess time will tell but right now all I can do is pray she doesn't decide to come 2 weeks early at this point.  Say a few small prayers for me that I keep my sanity and I can get all of my "wish list" tasks done in the meantime! Thanks :)

1 comment:

  1. No worries I am def praying that she won't come early :)


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