Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Letter to Hannah!

Dear Hannah,

You are growing up so fast, I wish that I could slow time down and
savor every moment in its truest sense! 
God, has blessed me with more that these words can describe and
everyday I am so much more thankful than the last.  We have had
some exciting learning experiences.  Life with you in it seems
so complete.

Times are changing quickly and as we speak those times will be a
memory in the past.  How do I thank God for showing me that
there are things worth living for?  How can I show my gratitude to Him
for opening my eyes and realizing that my world is no longer about me,
it is about you.

Since the day you were born I haven't experienced anything more spectacular.
You are a true miracle, no I didn't have any complications during my pregnancy
with you, but you were given to me. When something that could have been
so easily taken away God decided to let you be mine.  I realize how precious
our times are together and I know I am guilty of taking advantage of our
time together.  But our Lord brings be back down and opens my eyes yet again
and when I open my eyes I see you!

You are one of the reasons I am living the life I have been given, I feel my purpose is to
help you become a woman of God and to show others that even in a world
where there is so much darkness, if you look into a child's eyes you will instantly
see light and beauty.  For we were made in God's image, man and woman alike. 

I suspect every mother/father goes through this but there are days when I could just
scream all day long trying to get you to understand that "no means no".
But then there are days where when I look at you I still cant believe you are

Time is coming to an end where it is just you, me and daddy, but that is okay. 
I know that your baby sister will love you dearly, look up to you, even though you will fight
and feel like you hate each other.  Times will get tough where you feel like you need
no one but your sister.  A sisters bond is a blessing, when you feel like you need
someone to talk to, someone who understands, who listens and who will
 make sense of the mess you've created or unfortunately been put into, it will
 be your sister that will help you see things more clearly.

My sweet Hannah you are only a year and a half old and I feel like my life
has completely changed, I feel like because of you my faith and hope
has been restored.  Your daddy is my rock and I am ever so grateful for
him.  After all he did give me you! Thank you Hannah for opening my
eyes and seeing past the bad.  You have not a worry in the world yet,
you are so innocent and no one has hurt you.  How I wish I could
keep it that way...

You will learn, you are learning that life isn't always beautiful but its
a beautiful

I pray day in and day out that you continue to grow to know our Lord and you continue to worship him with every fiber of your being!  You can and will accomplish all things through Christ who strengthens you!

I love you baby,

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