Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thankful for a Weekend with Family! (LBD weekend)

This post is most definitely late but.... Besides that slight fact we had quite an eventful weekend but it was a relaxing and much needed weekend as well.  We got ourselves into such a routine with work, my classes, and our every day life responsibilities that none of us realized how much we needed just a weekend to get together and be hang out as a family with nothing else to worry about.

Friday was most definitely hectic! I had class at 9 which put me back in lincolnton around 11 and then I had a hair appointment at 12 so I skipped lunch and opted for a low fat iced coffee instead! (I know not a healthy substitute at all, but it was low fat hehe!) I didn't get finished with that until around 3:30 and Kyle gets home from work around 4:30.  I ran in Wal-Mart quickly to pick up a few items and then I decided to pick Hannah up early since I was in that direction.  We got home at 4:20 I started throwing some things together to pack.  Needless to say we actually left the house around 5:30.  We were in blowing rock by 7 and in Jefferson by 7:30 we met Kyles parents and brother for dinner at the Winners Circle.  Afterwards we headed to the house, unloaded everything and enjoyed the rest of the night. 

Saturday couldn't have come quick enough, I had such a restless night and I was miserable from the humidity in the house.  Me and Hannah got up at 6:30 played and watched T.V. Kyle wasnt up to long after that and was able to keep Hannah occupied while I showered and got ready for the day.  We met my parents, sister, Braylon, my brother and a couple of his friends for breakfast.  Lee and his friends rode their motorcycles on the parkway and such so they did their own thing.  However, we followed my parents to a place called The Cabin Store.  This place was beautiful and had tons of little nic-nacs that would go perfectly with a log home or a country style home.  Fortunately we made no purchases and I was extremely nervous to even let Hannah out of my sight because the prices were super ridiculously high to say in the least!  We decided to wait outside while everyone else was shopping around.  About two hours later we visited my Grandparents it was so great to see them!  It had been some time since we saw them last so I was really glad to get to hug their necks!  My grandad hasn't changed one bit! He still loves to give kids candy, he found a ring pop... (You know the kind that has the plastic ring at the bottom of it and you stick in on your finger and lick away its shaped like a huge colored diamond, when you lick it for longer than 5 minutes you get spit all over your fingers... I know gross right?!) Haven t had one of those in YEARS... Anyway, he found one and gave it to Hannah (sounds sweet right?) Well.... Let me just say suckers of any sort do not go well with an already drool-y child (teething).  I had to completely strip her of her clothes so I could maybe keep them from getting messed up, but it was too late, she had sticky drool EVERYWHERE! Evidently, she thought that it would be a great idea to run around without her diaper on too.  She was completely naked and loved every minute of it!  Before we left we had to give her a good bath to get all the sticky off of her.  We didn't bring an extra change of clothes with us so she had to ride back to the mountain house with just a diaper on! We had such a great time and a lot of laughs because lets face it my kid is hilarious! lol

Saturday night we had the fan on and bumped the air down a degree or two and so I slept wonderfully that night! Hannah did too she didn't make a peep until about 6:45 Sunday morning.  I was perfectly fine with getting up (no sense in wasting the day right?!).  I got my shower the night before which gave me more morning playtime with my girl! Sunday we didn't meet up with my parents until around 10:30ish and so it was nice to take our time getting ready.  My dad rode his motorcycle with my brother and his friends so we visited with my grandparents for a little while, we decided not to stay too long because Grandpa wasn't feeling well.  We headed back to the mountain house to grab some lunch pack up and get home!

It was a very nice weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed spending some much needed time with my family.  Hannah was such a little angel and I have missed her being so sweet that I forgot how sweet she could be!  With her eye teeth coming in she hasn't been a very happy little girl.  But one finally broke through the skin and I see the others are turning the gum white on the tip so hopefully most the pain is gone for a while. 

Yesterday (Labor Day) we decided to start shopping early for Christmas presents.  It was really hard to get into it because of all the fall decorations and Halloween stuff out! I really wanted to get a head start because I will be soooo very pregnant come the actual "Christmas shopping time" and the thought of me getting mixed in with that crowd makes me EXTREMELY nervous! I cant wait to buy Hannah some stuff, I told Kyle to prepare for me to go a little crazy with Hannah this year... I cant help it, it is her last year of ripping open presents and having all the attention before her baby sister comes.  I want to make this one extra special for her!

We also found Hannah's costume for Halloween this year! It is so cute, they dont have a lot of options for kids sizes under 2T so we went with another cute bug! She is going to be a Bee this year! And a cute Bee at that.

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