Thursday, August 4, 2011

Doing Things Different...

Okay so here I am blogging about more baby stuff! I'm sorry but I just cant quit talking about BABY! Besides that other "stuff" just isn't worth writing (typing) about. So I'll stick with a mostly happy topic BABY! Sorry, but this one is a bit lengthy....

I have been debating on a lot of things cloth diapers vs disposable, crib vs pack n play, crib vs toddler bed (lets not forget about Hannah!), sling vs no sling, replacing car seat cover vs buying strictly the car seat,  go through Hannah's clothes (getting rid of stuff) vs keeping it all JIC, breast feeding vs pumping vs formula, paci vs no paci, and lastly and dreadfully Alivia Marie vs Olivia Marie vs Olivia Kate.... feel free to throw out any middle name suggestions to go with Olivia/Alivia I'd love to hear your thoughts too!

So as you can see I for one am a very extremely indecisive person (when I am pregnant, I am not normally like this otherwise).  Being indecisive is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves and I am a perfectionist at it while I'm an incubator.  But lets be honest folks we are talking about money here and heaven forbid I give her a name she will grow to hate me for! We are talking about a little human here!

Before I got engaged I was a fabulous wedding planner, before I got pregnant time # 1 I had tons of baby do's and dont's, and now before I got pregnant with this LO I knew exactly how I was going to do things and what I was going to call he/she, when we found out "it" was a "he" I knew that without a doubt I would name him Blake, and then when we were surprised by our 2nd ultrasound that "he" was actually a "she" I thought well we will go with our "back up" name.... Alivia Marie.  Now I just cant call her ALIVIA I feel like it looks like ALIVE (on paper of course) and I hate that! Plus, every time you spell the name it shows up as a misspelled word! And having to right click on it and tell the spell check to Ignore All seems harder and harder to ignore! Not only does her name look like ALIVE but her initials would spell out ALM, nope its a no go, I'm not crazy about it any longer and I'm going back to the original "O". 

I am half way through this pregnancy and I feel like time is going too fast for me to fret over these silly decisions but like I said earlier people, its a little human we are dealing with.  I'll be honest I am leaning more and more towards Olivia Kate Ledbetter I like the uniqueness of it as well as the simplicity of it.  So with that being said... FOR NOW, I will call her Olivia Kate and hope that is the name I put on her birth certificate and pray that I wont change my mind a million more times!

Did I mention how indecisive I was?? I am thinking THINKING about breast feeding, of course it was worst that your worst nightmare, I tried with Hannah and I quickly gave in to a bottle filled with smelly formula after two short weeks of agonizing pain... in short, feeling like every time I fed her I was going to look down one day and see my nipple was gone! Sorry for those who are squeamish but I am not, not when it comes to the real life stuff (plus you are all women!).  I am almost 100% sure I wasn't doing the whole nipple to a baby's mouth ratio correctly but I was a new mom and didn't have a flippin clue what I was or wasn't doing right! I didn't know how helpful lactation consultants could be! So this time around I am not totally sure if I want to give breast feeding a shot, just pump away and feed her from the bottle, or just go ahead and plan on formula.  I know that "breast is best" but dang I cant help but be brutally honest when I say doing that scares the s**t out of me! I don't want to feel that pain again, go ahead call me a chicken!

Cloth diapers.... I am liking the sound of those more and more... Uh Hello! Talk about a money saver! I follow this girls blog and she is a new mom, she loves using cloth diapers, she explains that poop doesn't get all over the washer and how baby poop is water soluble (I never thought of that!).  I struggled with a terrible diaper rash on Hannah's bum because of the constant diaper changes and then the chemical stuff they put in disposable diapers to soak up the liquid.  So I am in a serious debate about using those suckers plus they are super cute! Check'em out at! SUPER CUTE!

I have been thinking and thinking about this car seat decision.... And I think we may end up purchasing a car seat and base only.  Just because I wasn't really pleased with my GRACO car seat and I felt like I could never really get it tight in the seat when we would latch it in.  So I think we will check out the latest car seats at either Babies R Us or Target or some place like that.  Any suggestions here would be fantastic too! Of course it would be a lot less expensive if I just decided to purchase a new lining for it and bam done!

All these decisions and I have less than 5 months to make them! eek!


  1. are hilarious!! I love Oliva Kate...I've always loved the name Kate! Don't feel bad about the breastfeeding thing...I was to scared to even try...both nipple only knows my hubs (TMI...I know). You are brave to do the cloth diapers...seems like a lot of work. I LOVE my Chicco car seat..check out craigslist and the church consignments coming up if you don't want to pay full price for one. Wow...can't believe you are already half way thru...time flies!!!

  2. I love Olivia Kate! I love the "O" too! The "A" is original but if you can find a pretty "O" name...go with it! I love Olivia too, but couldn't ever name my little girl that (because that's Alex's cousin's name) but I'm glad you can. :) And check out for info on cloth diapering. She swears by it! It's Courtney Rankin's sister, Ashley! :) And I love Kate, but if you're still looking for a middle name...there's an app for that!! :) Good luck with all that indecisiveness! At least you have time and aren't forced to make any rash decisions!

  3. I like Olivia Kate the best! I think even if you use Alivia, you know people are going to pronounce it wrong anyway. haha. I love the middle name Kate!


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