Tuesday, August 30, 2011

TMI ALERT!!!!!!!

I had my first ever scare during pregnancy...

First off if you can't handle a little blood and gore than you may want to steer clear of this posting!!

This weekend was a fantastic busy weekend, we had so much going on and I feel like we are NEVER going to slow down! But however busy it was just keep in mind it was a fantastic one! Friday we didn't do too much, at the last minute we or I should technically say I decided to go to the Highland Drive Church consignment sale to see what kind of winter clothes I could find for Hannah.  We ended up getting 5 or 6 outfits and a 4 pack of 6 ounce bottles (Advance Playtex I think) for $22 bucks! The outfits were barely used and the bottles look new! Afterwards we headed to Homeplace to grab a bite to eat and let me tell you they have amazing food, we haven't eaten there in quite sometime since it's about 15 or 20 minutes from our house but it was as good as I remembered! We called it an early night. 

Saturday we got up and ran a few errands grabbed a bite to eat for breakfast and then I was off to a bridal luncheon for my friend Meredith! It was a wonderful time and I was so glad to catch up with girlfriends I hadn't seen in a couple weeks! That ended about 2 or 2:30 I got home, changed and we headed to Babies R Us.  I don't think I have ever been to Babies R Us where they had racks of clothes for $5 dollars and under so I started digging around and found some really cute sleepers for Olivia when we bring her home and once she is home.  We then headed to my cousins little boy's 1st birthday that was at Highland Drive Park.  We had such a great time playing with all the kids and watching Hannah slide down the sliding board 1,320 times! She had a blast! So I was happy! 

Sunday we did our usual went to church arrived on time late, had lunch and then we celebrated my brothers birthday that night with grilled chicken, grilled asparagus, salad, steamed corn and potatoes! (By the way I am so digging this health kick my parents are on!) The food was heaven!

So now that you got a good idea of what my weekend was like (I didn't want to talk about all bad stuff) I will go ahead and get to the scare that I had starting Sunday night.... Again this is a TMI alert... Don't read past this if you are squeamish!

Sunday night we got home from my parents house and I did our usual routine of baths and then bed time and when I got ready for my shower I realized I saw what looked like dried blood in my underwear.  I called my sister, who called her nurse friend and said that it was probably normal but to call my DR in the morning.  I could barely get any rest that night from all the tossing and turning I was doing.  In my opinion 8:30 a.m. couldn't get there quick enough.  Finally when I heard the alarm go off I was up and getting ready, I have class on Monday mornings so I didn't have to leave my house until 6:30.  I decided to use the bathroom really quick before I left, when I went again I found more drops of blood... Now I really couldn't wait to speak with my doctor to find out what was causing this!  When I finally talked to a triage nurse she told me that it was probably a blood vessel that had broken on my cervix and not to be too worried because I wasn't having any serious cramping.  I was totally happy with that explanation until I got to work at 11 and saw even more blood than previously!! Like I needed to wear a pad! I called my doctor immediately and they made me an appointment, I got to my doctor's office and waited to be seen.  The doctor was wonderful she checked my cervix to make sure no dilation had occurred and she did a quick pelvic exam to make sure her suspicions were correct.  I got dressed and the doctor returned, she said that the spotting was from what she could tell the weight of the baby and most likely s.e.x....(don't you judge) ha! To make things clear we are not sex addicts! (haha) So with that being said who knew that pressure from the baby and sex could cause such a thing!?! So I was ordered to take things easy for the next few weeks and to refrain from having sex for a while too... I cant believe I'm discussing my sex life on my blog but for you mom's and future mom's know that it IS possible! :) So after that little scare I think it is safe to say that I wont mind taking things "easy" for the next few weeks!

I hope you all have a GREAT day! And I hope that my post hasn't bothered you too terribly much! But honestly you shouldn't have read it... I gave you fair warning! :)) lol


  1. Kyle is going to be so upset about that no sex thing for awhile. haha. I am glad you are okay though!

  2. hahahhahahahahahhahahahaha!!!! that is HILARIOUS! I did a literal LOL over here!!! "don't you judge" HAHAHAHA


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