Monday, August 1, 2011


Lately I have been on a roller coaster of emotions, one second I am flying high, happy and in the best of moods and then the next thing I know I am chewing Kyle's head off for not doing something or for saying something or being too rough with Hannah.  I have a lot of personal things going on in my life right now so its hard to say if it is ALL the pregnancy.  It seems much easier to blame it on my over the top hormones but I think it is a little bit of everything!

I try to live by the well know saying "if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all".  I am far from a perfectionist in that area but I did say I "try".  Have I mentioned I have a million and one things going on???

As you may or may not be aware of, I am working on my bachelors degree in Business Administration through Gardner Webb.  I still have a while to go especially considering the fact that I am only taking at most 2 classes a semester! Eeeek! If I could be a career student I'd definitely be a great one (as long as it is taking me)! Well I finally registered for the (TWO!) classes I will be taking this fall.... Old Testament (which doesn't sound too difficult right?...) Right, but when you have a 10 to 15 page scripture analysis due at the end of the semester if can kind of get tough.  Not to mention I've got PREGNANCY BRAINS! I also begin my Principles of Management which is an online class.  My adviser told me that it wasnt a very difficult class so I am hoping that she is right!

I am no going to forget to tell you about Hannah! No, No, No! I can't forget to do that! What's new with Hannah?  Well she now has 12 teeth! She is more happy nowadays since she is back at school, I hope she continues to love school like this.  She is so much more sturdier on her feet, she falls less and less often.  Her new favorite food is spaghetti she hasn't yet figured out what to do when you get a long noodle but it is funny to watch her suck in almost all the way in and then spit it back out (because she doesn't understand).  She is solely a water drinker, I have to be honest I love that too, I want her to be healthy and not rely on sugary drinks.  I've offered her juice but she doesn't drink it, sometimes straight up refuses it! Hannah talks and talks about 3/4ths of the time I have no earthly idea what she is saying but it is so sweet to hear her talk to her "puppy or kitty or her baby".  Every day that I have been given with her she never ceases to amaze me! I have seen friends who would give anything for a healthy baby, and God blessed us with not only one but two.  Hannah is really doing great, she is so healthy and she is one growing girl! I could go on and on and on about her because she really fascinates and amazes me, but I may be a bit bias.  I can't apologize for being a proud mommy!

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